I might have made up the second term, but I’ve recently switched from being a Stay-At-Home-Mom to being a Work-Outside-(the)Home-Mom. And not to imply that the SAHM doesn’t work! HA! It doesn’t matter what kind of mom you are – you all work hard and you all rock! I just wanted to share my new adventure with you all and ask for your help!

go to work

I wasn’t really looking for a job, especially not one outside the home or full-time right now. My son is in high school now and quite self-sufficient, other than requiring me to drive him all over the place. Our plans as a family were for me to go back to work either when our son was a Junior or Senior and driving or after he was done with school. But then this job popped up and a friend suggested I look into it. I told her all my reasons why it wouldn’t work right now and she told me all the reasons why it would. Long story short, after some back and forth over a few months and great meetings with the CEO, I have a job! It is full-time {basically 9-5}, but flexible enough for me to pick up my son and drive him around when I need to and for me to work from home part of the time in the Summer when he’s out of school.

I should mention that my husband and son have been very supportive and encouraged me to take this job. If either of them had had serious concerns, I would not have done it. But my husband’s words were, “Go for it!!” And he’s willing to overlook *ahem* piles of laundry/dishes/dust until I get a routine figured out.

Going from not working a typical job to working one full-time is a BIG adjustment! It’s definitely messed with my routine {or complete lack of one} and I need to be even more organized than I was already trying to be. It’s not bad – it could be much worse. But I could use any helpful tips that you might have. C’mon – ANY tips at all are welcome!

I do plan to keep on blogging, but my posts will be sporadic for a while {um, and how is that any different than it is now?}. Thank you for stopping by and following along with my journey! You just never know what’s around the corner, right?

With Love,
from Lisa Marie


2 Comments on From SAHM to WOHM

  1. I don’t have any tips, I am pretty unorganized and have been working full time outside the home forever. BUT, I wanted to stop in and say congratulations!

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